Sunday, June 15, 2008

june holiday journallzz

A little away from the excitement of the Graduation Party, a young elf couple were sitting on a hillside admiring the glorious moon above spreading its radiance all over Arun-Fandor.The elf couple were Marila and Egonik, both exceptionally skilled in magic.They had been dating for five year now,and had plans to get married soon.After three hours of admiring the scenery.the couple were suddenly overwhelmed by the urge to sleep,and fell back on the grass,heading to dreamland.

When Marila woke up, she found Egonik back facing her,and had a sudden urge to kiss him.However, when she rolled him over, what she discovered was a disgusting decayed face,a paradise for the hundreds of maggots on the face.Accompanying the face was a mutilated horrifying body.

She did not even have time to scream as the silent shadow dragged her down into the dark hole of oblivion.

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