Wednesday, July 23, 2008

EL journal wk 34

The Shade grimaced as he carried his cumbersome equipment to his site of training, beside a clumsy necromancer who had accidentally tripped over his overflowing robes, and what seemed like ancient runes fell onto the decaying ground."@#$@#!!" the necromancer cursed,spouting vulgarity(flamboyant language xD) out of that evil mouth of his. As the Shade picked up one of the many runes that had fallen onto the ground, he was abruptly transported to a burning village being pillaged by Undead, with a little boy trapped in a burning hut. The boy had unkempt and disheveled hair, and bore a striking resemblance to the Shade. Before the Shade had recovered from his shock, the rune he was holding was torn away from his hands as the necromancer stalked away.

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