Monday, July 28, 2008


The lives of many people revolve around money.People use it to buy daily needs, a life of luxury and even gain power.For some people, money is everything.But is money really everything?Does money really make the world go round, or is it just the root of all evil?Can money buy true happiness, love and friendship?
Money can buy many things people desire;a car, a house, a life of luxury.Some people claim that money can buy happiness as it can purchase their desires,create happiness in them and buy happiness indirectly.But often, happiness comes with a price.To earn a humongous amount of money to constantly satisfy their desires, most people concentrate only on earning money and working, and the relationship between them and their family may deteriorate.This could result to quarrels, divorce and sometimes even murder in a fit of anger when the partner voices out his or her dissatisfaction.This in the end would result in a broken family, or even a sentence to jail.Would the person be happy then?Or would he be deeply regretting his actions?There are people who are happy without having a huge amount of money, or a luxurious life.These people live mostly in the countryside, where life is much more simple than in the city.These people are content with what they have, and are happy just with their family by their side.They do not require a spacious car, a cosy bungalow or money.
Some people feel that with money, they would be able to get a partner or make more friends.But is this the love they are seeking?People who befriend them may not be true friends, only people who are trying to get some easy money.
Money also creates hate in people, and is one the main reasons for war.Many wars were started due to the greed of humans, who want more money and power, and decide to take it from weaker countries by force.Wars are main fought due to quarrels over territory and money.Take the World War 2 for example.Why did Japan become aggressive and attempt to take over huge parts of Asia when its neighbouring countries did not threaten it?Japan wanted more territory as it felt that it has too little land and money to survive.If Japan had not went to war, many lives would have been saved and peace would have ensured.
In conclusion, i think that money can help people on the way to happiness, and not actually buy it.Money does make the world go round as it creates a fair trade for almost everyone.When people buy things such as rice, the money they pay for it is split amongst people who have done their job in delivering the bag of rice to the place of purchase, and in a way, everyone wins.However, i feel that money is also the root of all evil as it creates jealousy and hate in people, and is one the main reasons for murder cases, quarrel amongst people and wars.Embrace the comfort that money brings you, but be wary of it.


azure said...

i have commented

Anonymous said...

"Embrace the comfort that money brings you, but be wary of it."

I like this last sentence. It makes me think.
I think that once you start embracing comfort, you would find it hard to be wary. Perhaps we should just be thankful of the comfort that money brings.